Friday, November 2, 2012

Digital proof that my comics career is moving forward

I've been mentioning my work with Bluewater Comics, a couple of biographies that I've written for the publisher.  One of them is getting that much closer to becoming a reality.

See here, here, and here for digital proof that I've got a profile of Mikhail Prokhorov, Russian superstar, in actual comics reality.  (There's also an American version of the Amazon UK listing here.)

Not only do I have digital proof, but for all you digital fans, it's also in digital format, which is apparently what all the budding writers are doing these days.  (I'll remind you that all my books are also in digital format, even if I myself prefer actual real material that's more than just a piece of plastic that you're reading off of like you think you're in Star Trek or something, with less Okudagrams.)

I guess that means I really will have to do that Dr. Seuss bio for Bluewater.  It's the one I'm most interested in, because I plan to do it in true Dr. Seuss style, all rhymes, so I've run out of excuses.  I hope they didn't find someone else while I procrastinated...


  1. Congratulations!
    I prefer all my media to be digital. If I can't get it on my iPad, why bother? Glad my publisher does do books in physical form for people like you who prefer that medium.
    Dr, Seuss rhymes? I'm intrigued.

  2. Congratulations! Digital is getting bigger and bigger. It's the way to go.

    1. Digital is literally taking over the scene. No way to avoid it.

  3. Awesome Tony. You're going to need an extra sidebar for all your work. Real is my preferred way to read, but you can't beat convenience.

    1. I don't know if Bluewater is making a physical copy. I would certainly love if they did...


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