Saturday, February 17, 2024

Having begun Children’s Crusade…

Having begun writing The Children’s Crusade, it reminds me all over again the rush of writing, of really writing, of the ideas coming fast and furious, how to write the story, how it’s different from when you’re only planning, how the story seems to write itself…

This is how I define being a writer. It’s not just writing or even selling actual books (although that would certainly be nice, too), but the thrill of the experience, of tackling the project, of knowing there’s a long way to go, but I can get there because I know how to get there, and I know it’ll be worth it, even if no one reads it ever, because the story is the thing, and it takes on a life of its own…

So anyway, it’s early yet, three chapters in and hopefully two more later today, and only forty-five after that…But I’ve got this. These days I’m tackling shorter chapters. The last time I was really in novel-length mode I’d gotten into the rhythm of much longer chapters, and that worked then and this works now, they make sense in context, and it would be nice to write long chapters again but for now shorter is better…

Anyway, this is to say I feel happy about this, and since this one is a long one and it’s a completely original idea and I already know the whole thing but little things will keep popping up as necessary, and I want this done in forty days or so…I am locked into a zone. This isn’t always how these things play out or even need to or should, but when it happens and it looks very clear and true and doable…

So I’ve begun writing. And I will, once again, continue.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Not-the-Tonys 2024

Gosh, I’m not very good at keeping these up, but let’s go ahead and have a brief look at what my favorite things from 2023 were…


This one’s pretty easy. Like a lot of critics (for a change!), my pick is Oppenheimer. I’ve been a huge fan of Christopher Nolan since Memento, and so have followed his career eagerly ever since. This is clearly a career high (and as a big fan this is an amazing statement).

Before seeing Oppenheimer last summer my answer would’ve been Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant, which I still highly recommend. Other highlights from the year include Napoleon, Asteroid City, The Creator. It was a good year for movies.


My favorite new book of the year was J.K. Rowling’s seventh Robert Galbraith Strike/Ellacott mystery The Running Grave. Favorite read in general was Milton’s Paradise Lost, favorite graphic novel Lemire, Kindt & Rubin’s Cosmic Detective, and taking a stab at a monthly comic probably Tom King’s Human Target, which finished last spring.


Gosh, I’m gonna give this one to The National, who I finally got into last year after discovering them at the end of Warrior back in 2011. The Beatles released “Now and Then” at the end of the year, Darius Rucker dropped a new album.


I haven’t been exploring a lot of new things since the streaming era took over, so it was a lot of just continuing favorites like various Star Treks, YellowstoneGhosts, Survivor, even a revival of Frasier. Did get to see The Mandalorian and Sandman at the very end of the year thanks to physical releases.

Writing Projects

I tackled exactly two projects last year, In the Leviathan and Liz & Pepe. Both were well worth the efforts. Did a lot of prep work for other things, and I’m really, really close to starting up again. 

Favorite Family Time

The two visits with my niece and the rest of her clan! Obviously! The highlights of the year!

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