Saturday, July 1, 2023

Well, technically started writing again...

 When last I wrote, I was in the midst of gridlock.  I've begun clearing space.

I just finished the bulk of Don't Throw Baby Out with the Bathwater, the professional credentials project, so I have the mental space to tackle further fiction.  I needed the space between projects.  I'd been hard-traveling, one project after another, for a year and a half, and I had planned to keep going, but I knew I needed a pause.  I always have those.  It was easier to tell when I was writing novel-length manuscripts a decade ago, but I had started doing shorter projects, and only recently started building back up the bulk.  

Now I quibble with myself: this one or that one?  I don't want to make the decision immediately.  It's okay.  It's fine.  I actually just submitted In the Leviathan somewhere.  I even had pay (it's a contest, not a vanity publisher).  I'm currently telling myself I'm not going to lose my mind when I find out I didn't make the cut.  It is what it is.  I know this one was worth writing.  I'll see how it goes.  I don't want to publish this one myself.  But you never know.

I'm trying to relax more, as a writer.  

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