In the ordinary course of events, Kindle Vella announced it was holding a contest, and eventually I heard about it, and came up with a story for it:
This is my fourth Vella, following somewhat belatedly from the others after tackling two novel manuscripts in the past few years. Given the rapid nature of the affair, I somewhat calculatedly followed the minimum guidelines (at least ten chapters, at least 10,000 words), which I was able to accommodate given all my writing experience with little difficulty.
Since Vella, as with much of the internet, is geared toward the fancies of the young, I don't know how likely I am, as ever, to spontaneously appeal to their interests, but it's fun to pretend I might otherwise pique some readers.
Given the timetable (August 20), I buckled down yesterday and got about half the thing done (the first chapter was written a week ago), with the most important, and crucial, material to go, including a fun final chapter and a bonus one to act as coda.
Happily, this project speaks to what I wrote earlier this year (The Children's Crusade), and what I'm tackling next (Abigail Only).