Thursday, September 6, 2018

IWSG September 2018

What publishing path are you considering/did you take, and why?

The one I ended up taking was self-publishing, because I wasn't getting anywhere with traditional publishing, but truthfully...I first self-published with the first book-length manuscript I wrote.  The second one, I did take to various traditional publishing avenues, and didn't find any takers, and eventually self-published that.  I had a starter publisher who was going to handle a book I wrote before that, but they collapsed before releasing the book.  I even had an earlier starter publisher agree to release a new edition of the first book I self-published, but they collapsed, too.  I know, I know, that's what happens to small publishers.  I get that now.  So anyway, I just kept self-publishing.  I gave up looking for traditional publishers.

Earlier this year I started looking again, and I've decided that I will continue doing that.  I'm also making a renewed effort at breaking into comics.  I'll be talking more about that later, but suffice to say, I hope to be talking about Crisis Weekly again soon, and maybe that will lead to something.  We'll see. 


  1. That's sad so many don't see their books published because the publisher goes under. Or their published books with them vanish.

    1. I begin to see that a lot of the problem in publishing is massive unprofessionalism.

  2. I know that story... My first publisher went under too. I'm just lucky they reverted the rights as soon as they made the decision to close the doors so I could re-publish with someone else.

    1. That was really cool of them. When I consider pursuing smaller publishers, I'm naturally leery because of experiences like this, and the poor promotion you and others have received.

  3. Doing everything right and still failing just means life isn't fair but don't ever give up.

    1. Success is random. Those who succeed believe otherwise, but they only need to look at the quality around them, regardless of their own, to know that it's not really the quality that determines success. It's the ability to generate hype, how easily even a small number of people can begin creating it.

  4. I had a small publisher go out of business once. Never got a dime from them. Lol


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